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Iran J Radiol. 2014 January; 11(1): e6675. DOI: 10.5812/iranjradiol.6675 

Published online 2014 January 30. Research Article 

Association Between the Lateral Wall Thickness of the Maxillary Sinus and 
the Dental Status: Cone Beam Computed Tomography Evaluation 

Saeedeh Khajehahmadi \ Amin Rahpeyma 2 ' , Seyed Hosein Hoseini Zarch 1 

Cental Research Center, Faculty of Dentistry, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 
Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases Research Center, Faculty of Dentistry, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran 

'Corresponding author. Amin Rahpeyma, Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases Research Center, Faculty of Dentistry, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran. Tel: +98- 
5118829501, +98-5118829500, E-mail: 

Received: June 6, 2012; Revised: 28 Apr 2013; Accepted: July 17, 2013 

Background: Assessment of the lateral wall thickness of the maxillary sinus is very important in decision making for many surgical 
interventions. The association between the thickness of the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus and the dental status is not well identified. 
Objectives: To compare the thickness of the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus in individuals with and without teeth to determine if 
extraction of the teeth can lead to a significant reduction in the thickness of the maxillary sinus lateral wall or not. 
Patients and Methods: In a retrospective study on fifty patients with an edentulous space, the thickness of the lateral wall of the maxillary 
sinus,one centimeter above the sinus floor in the second premolar (P2), first molar (Ml) and second molar (M2) areas was determined by 
cone beam computed tomography scans(CBCTs) and a digital ruler in Romexis F software (Planmeca Romexis 2.4.2.R) and it was compared 
with values measured in fifty dentated individuals. Three way analysis of variance was applied for comparison after confirmation of the 
normal distribution of data. 

Results: The mean of the wall thickness in each of these points was lower in patients with edentulous spaces; however it was not significant. 
There was no association between gender and the thickness of the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus, but location was associated with 
different thicknesses. 

Conclusions: The differences in the thickness based on the location and dental status necessitates assessment of the wall thickness of the 
maxillary sinus in addition to the current evaluation of bone thickness between the sinus floor and the edentulous crest before maxillary 
sinus surgery. 

Keywords: Cone-Beam Computed Tomography; Maxillary Sinus; Mouth, Edentulous 

1. Background 

Assessment of the thickness of the lateral wall of the 
maxillary sinus is very important in decision making for 
many surgical interventions such as Caldwell-Luc surgery, 
Lefort I osteotomy, open sinus lift, facial and jaw bone frac- 
ture fixation and mini-screw insertion in orthodontics as 
well as the diagnosis of chronic sinusitis (1-5). It is helpful 
in Caldwell-Luc surgery for producing a window to access 
the sinus cavity, in Lefort I osteotomy for exerting straight 
or stepped osteotomy, in internal fixation of maxillary 
fractures for selecting the appropriate length of titanium 
screws, and in open sinus lift surgery for estimating the ap- 
proximate difficulty of the procedure (6). However, in spite 
of the importance of this issue, there are very few studies 
that have evaluated the anatomic features and more spe- 
cifically, the thickness of the lateral wall of the maxillary 
sinus. It is assumed that extraction of the teeth might lead 
to a decrease in the thickness of the sinus wall. 

2. Objectives 

We designed a study to compare the thickness of the 
lateral wall of the maxillary sinus in individuals with 
and without teeth to determine if extraction of the teeth 
can lead to a significant reduction in the thickness of the 
maxillary sinus lateral wall or not. The number of years 
that had passed after teeth extraction was not considered 
in this study. 

3. Patients and Methods 

In this retrospective study, we assessed the thickness 
of the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus one centi- 
meter above the sinus floor by cone beam computed 
tomography scan (CBCT) in fifty patients with eden- 
tulous spaces who were candidates for dental im- 
plant placement (the edentulous space group) and we 
compared the results with CBCTs of fifty maxillofacial 

Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education: 

The thickness of the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus is very important in decision making for many surgical interventions. In spite of the importance 
of this issue, there are very few studies that have evaluated the anatomic features and more specifically, the thickness of the lateral wall of the maxillary 

Copyright © 2014, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Iranian Society of Radiology; Published by Kowsar Corp. This is an open-access article distributed under 
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work 
is properly cited. 

Khajehahmadi S et al. 

trauma patients who had no maxillary bone and teeth 
problem (the dentate group). This area was chosen be- 
cause the majority of surgical procedures that need 
bone removal to get access inside the maxillary sinus 
or osteotomy cuts and osteosynthesis devices are all 
involved with this location. The main inclusion crite- 
ria were the tooth absence and presence in the poste- 
rior maxilla in the coronal axis of CBCTs in the first and 
second groups, respectively. In addition, as the maxil- 
lary sinus fully develops in 15 year olds (7) and age may 
influence the thickness of the lateral sinus wall; cases 
were selected in the group of 40 to 60 year olds to bet- 
ter match the cases between the study groups. Fur- 
thermore, we tried to match them regarding gender 
by selecting 25 males and 25 females in each group (50 
patients). Three hundred sites were measured; 150 sites 
in the dentate group and 150 in the edentulous group. 
In each group, half the measurements were done in 
males. In every gender, 25 sites were measured in the 
first premolar as well as the first and second molars. 
The exclusion criteria were positive history of maxil- 
lary fracture, acute or untreated chronic sinusitis or 
any other pathological lesion involving the maxillary 
sinus, including tumors, cysts, and previous regional 
surgery such as Cadwell-Luc. All the CBCTs were made 
by Promax 3D (Planmeca Co., Helsinki, Finland) at 0.16 
mm pixel resolution, 8 kV, 8 mA and 12 seconds. Using 
2-mm-thick reconstruction algorithms, the axial im- 
ages were reconstructed into para-axial cross sections. 
Then, the thickness of the bone was measured in the 
second premolar (P2), first molar (Ml) and second mo- 
lar (M2) areas exactly one centimeter above the sinus 
floor. For this purpose, we used a digital ruler in Ro- 
mexis F software (Planmeca Romexis 2.4.2.R) (Figure 1, 
2 and 3). The sensitivity of this measurement was 0.01 
mm. For confirmation of the data obtained from mea- 
surement by Romexis F software, re-measurement was 
performed for 20% of the cases. Intrarater reliability 
was high for both measurements of thickness (r=0.93). 
Data analysis revealed a normal distribution of the 
sample (by kolmogorovsmirnov test); therefore, mul- 
tivariate analysis and repeated measures ANOVA were- 
usedfor statistical analysis. 

4. Results 

Multivariate analysis was used for comparison of lat- 
eral wall thickness of the maxillary sinus as the effects of 
gender and dental status were considered in the analy- 
sis. It showed that both of them and their interaction 
had no significant effect on the wall thickness (P>0.05) 
(Table 1). 

For comparison between the three bony locations (sec- 
ond premolar, first molar and second molar), repeated 
measure ANOVA was used. There were significant dif- 
ferences between these three locations. Bonefferoni 

correction showed significant differences between all 
three pairwise locations (P<0.05). The thickest bone was 
thefirst molar region followed by the second premolar 
and finally the second molar (Figure 4). 

Figure 1. The thickness of the bone was measured in the second premolar 
(P2) 1 cm above the sinus floor. 

Figure 2. The thickness of the bone was measured in the first molar (Ml) 
1 cm above the sinus floor. 


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Khajehahmadi S et al. 








Figure 3. The thickness of the bone was measured in the second molar 
(M2) 1 cm above the sinus floor. 

Figure 4. Mean of the bone thickness in the three locations (second pre- 
molar P2, first molar Ml and second molar M2) 

Table 1. Mean and Standard Deviation of the Lateral Wall Thickness of the Maxillary Sinus in Three Locations, According to Gender 
and Dental Status 


Tooth, mean+SD 




Edentulous space 


















P-Value 3 




P-Value b 




a Genders 

b Dental status 

5. Discussion 

While the anatomy of the maxillary sinus septa is well- 
identified (8-10), there are few studies about the topogra- 
phy of the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus to help sur- 
geons who operate in this area. Arman et al. (11) evaluated 
30 dry skulls for the thickness of the anterior wall of the 
maxillary sinus and revealed that there is no difference 
between the right and left side concerning the thickness 
of the wall. Our results showed that among the second 
premolar and first and second molar areas, the thickest 
wall was observed in the bone above the first molar and 
the least thickness was documented in the second molar. 
It seems that the increased thickness of the lateral wall 
of the maxillary sinus in the bone above the first molar is 

secondary to the presence of the buttress of the zygoma. 
This structure is a part of the maxillary bone that is at- 
tached to the zygomatic bone. One of the practical impli- 
cations from the findings of this study is that application 
of 2-mm-thickness miniplates and 5-mm-length titanium 
screws can safely prevent insertion into the maxillary si- 
nus cavity. Furthermore, according to the results of this 
study, because the mean thickness of the zygomatic 
buttress is 3 mm, using this part as a graft for the eden- 
tulous anterior maxillary bone would be insufficient in 
conditions that thick graft is needed (3). When there is an 
insufficient bone height in the maxillary posterior eden- 
tulous region, to insert dental implants with a sufficient 
length without perforating the maxillary sinus floor, 
open sinus lift surgery is indicated. In open sinus lift sur- 

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Khajehahmadi S et al. 

gery, the increased thickness of the maxillary sinus wall 
is considered as a difficulty factor (6). Because higher 
thickness makes surgery harder and longer, knowing 
the thickness of the maxillary sinus wall would help the 
surgeon to select locations with a lower thickness to pre- 
vent surgical complications such as membrane perfora- 
tion (6). In addition, piezosurgery is not recommended 
in the thick maxillary sinus wall as it is associated with 
an increased length of surgery (12 ). One important point 
especially in the Cadwell-Luc and open sinus lift surgery 
is that the maxillary sinus wall has a considerable vascu- 
lar anastomosis (13) and nutritional canals with 2-3 mm 
diameter are observed in 7 percent of the individuals 
(14). It is more likely to find wider canals in the thicker 
wall (6); therefore, the bony window must be made with 
more consideration in thick sinus walls to prevent any 
unexpected bleeding during Cadwell-Luc and open si- 
nus lift surgery. 

The thickness of the maxillary sinushas previously 
showed to have association with the difficulty of sinus 
surgeries.The differences inthe thickness based on the 
location and dental status necessitates CBCT assessment 
of the wall thickness of the maxillary sinus in addition 
to the current evaluation of the bone thickness between 
the sinus floor and the edentulous crest or dental roots 
before sinus surgeries. 


There are no acknowledgments. 

Authors' Contribution 

All authors have participated equally in this study. 

Financial Disclosure 

There is no financial disclosure. 


This study (number 900305) was supported by a grant 
from the Vice Chancellor of Research of Mashhad Univer- 
sity of Medical Sciences. 


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